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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Texas. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

Servicio De Control De Inmigración Y Aduanas De Estados Unidos Deja En Libertad A Cientos De Migrantes

En El Paso, Texas, los oficiales del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de Estados Unidos (ICE, por su sigla en inglés) liberaron a cientos de migrantes la noche del miércoles en una terminal de autobuses del centro, lo que elevó la cantidad de personas liberadas esta semana a más de 1.000. 

Algunos inmigrantes fueron liberados en una antigua cafetería y galería, dijo Dylan Corbett, del Instituto Hope Border, una organización que asiste a inmigrantes en ese estado fronterizo con México, otros tantos fueron liberados frente a distintos albergues y estaciones de autobuses en El Paso, Texas

Las organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro que asisten a los migrantes dijeron que esta vez el Servicio de Inmigración si les avisó que iba a dejar a los inmigrantes en la estación de buses, a diferencia del día de Navidad, cuando este organismo dejó a cientos de personas varadas en el frío, inclusive niños pequeños, sin advertencia y sin planes de albergue. 

Los activistas por los derechos de los migrantes afirman que las liberaciones forman parte de la estrategia deliberada del gobierno de Trump para sembrar el caos en la frontera y disuadir a los migrantes de solicitar asilo. Estas son palabras de Dylan Corbett, director de Hope Border Institute, una organización benéfica con sede en El Paso que asiste a los migrantes. 

Dylan Corbett expresó: “La mayoría de ellos ni siquiera saben que no están en manos del gobierno. Aunque somos un grupo comunitario, los migrantes no saben que con nosotros no están detenidos, no están con la CBP [Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de Estados Unidos, en español] ni con el ICE. Ellos no saben nada. Necesitan información, necesitan estar informados. Algunos de ellos ni siquiera saben que están en El Paso”. 

Lo más crítico es que se espera que en los próximos días sean dejados en libertad por el Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) más migrantes en Texas; Las liberaciones se deben a que estas personas han superado el tiempo de detención permitido por la ley para estos casos, a la falta de espacio en los centros de detención y en el caso de madres con sus hijos al determinar que no son un peligro para la seguridad del pais.




Fuente: www.democracynow.org 



jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018

Gobierno De Donald Trump Alcanza Cifra Record De Menores Migrantes Detenidos 12.800

El Gobierno de Trump está trasladando a los menores migrantes detenidos en distintos albergues del país a un inhóspito campamento de detención del oeste de Texas. El periódico The New York Times informa que cientos de menores están siendo trasladados todas las semanas desde albergues al campamento que actualmente alberga a 1.600 menores. Las instalaciones, según se informa, no tienen escuela y los menores tienen acceso limitado a los servicios legales. El Gobierno estadounidense ha alcanzado la cifra récord de mas de 12.800 menores migrantes detenidos.

Compartimos el video del canal de YouTube NTN24 que habla sobre la crisis con Dulce Matuz una activista comunitaria y miembro de Arizona Dream Act Coalition

De igual manera compartimos el vídeo del canal Noticias Telemundo, quien estuvo cerca de la ciudad de las carpas


Fuente: www.democracynow.org Youtube Noticias Telemundo YouTube NTN24 


lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Two Border Patrol Agents Charged With Murder Highlights The Need For Robust Hiring Standards

Written by Joshua Breisblatt

In rural communities throughout the United States , immigration has been a demographic lifeline that offsets—at least in part—the dwindling number of native-born Americans. In fact, as a report from the Center for American Progress (CAP) explains, there are many rural areas in which schools, hospitals, and businesses would have shut their doors if not for an influx of immigrants . 

CAP analyzes 2,767 “rural places”—characterized as such by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Of all the rural places that fit this definition and are the focus of the CAP report, 68 percent (or 1,894) have experienced a shrinking population since 1990 due to a declining number of native-born residents. Of these 1,894 locales, more than three-quarters (78 percent) would have experienced an even greater population decline if not for immigration. 

Places that are experiencing declines in population size eventually find that they are no longer able to sustain the same level of essential services that they could when the population was larger. As CAP explains, the result can be school consolidations or school closures; hospital closures and reductions in healthcare services more broadly; and closures of various small businesses and public institutions such as grocery stores, gas stations, and libraries. This downward spiral can be avoided if immigration offsets the shrinking native-born population. 

Citing the USDA, the CAP report notes that while immigrants are adding to the populations of rural areas in general, the number of native-born residents has declined due to falling birth rates (a trend also observed in the United States as a whole), the desire among many young adults in rural areas to move to larger cities with more opportunities, and a sharp increase in mortality rates among working-age adults (due in large part to the opioid crisis). Plus, as the USDA also observes, more than 500 rural counties nationwide have been absorbed by expanding urban areas since 1974. 

As the CAP report highlights, the contributions of immigrants to rural areas as a whole go far beyond simply increasing population size. There is no shortage of rural communities in which immigrants provide much-needed labor on farms , open new small businesses , and serve as healthcare providers in medically underserved areas. While it is true that some communities fight against these demographic trends, there are others that treat immigration as a vital economic resource to be managed—not feared. 

For instance, the CAP report singles out one rural place in particular—St. James, Minnesota—as an example of a community that actively seeks to integrate immigrants into its economic and social fabric. When Latino immigrants began arriving in St. James in the 1970s and 1980s to work at the Tony Downs Foods Company, political and business interests crafted a welcoming strategy so that immigrant workers and their families would feel at home. Among other initiatives, these leaders tried to make services more accessible to the newcomers through English as a Second Language (ESL) programs in schools and translation of important documents into Spanish. 

Unfortunately, some rural locales have not followed in the footsteps of St. James in treating immigration as a resource. CAP observes that one of the more notorious cases is that of Hazelton, Pennsylvania , where a local ordinance passed in 2006 fined landlords $1,000 per day for renting to undocumented immigrants and a five-year business license suspension for any employer hiring an undocumented worker. 

The ordinance was eventually struck down by a federal judge and the local government was ordered to pay more than a million dollars in legal fees. In hindsight, even some fervently anti-immigrant residents of Hazleton have reconsidered their positions. Mayor Joseph Yanuzzi, a supporter of the ordinance, came to realize that immigrants were revitalizing the small business community, filling what would otherwise be vacant apartments, and keeping school enrollments higher than they otherwise would have been. 

The CAP report emphasizes that many rural communities can and do devise smart strategies for integrating newcomers into the fabric of their economy and civic life. This speaks not only to the humanity of the native-born population in these locales, but to the economic (and demographic) importance of immigrants themselves. 

Source: www.immigrationimpact.com 
