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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta working-age taxpayers to support programs. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021

As US Birth Rate Declines, Programs Like Social Security Need Immigration to Survive


By Walter Ewing - www.immigrationimpact.com/

Birth rates are falling in the United States at the same time more Americans are reaching retirement age. Together, these two trends present enormous economic challenges for the nation. A growing number of retirees are leaving the labor force and relying on programs like Social Security and Medicare. But there aren’t enough younger workers able to take their place.

If not for immigration, this pool of younger workers would be even smaller than it already is. As a result, immigration is playing a key role in supporting the country’s labor force, tax base, and contributions into benefits programs.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the number of births in the United States in 2020 was down 4% from the previous year. This marked the sixth year in a row that births have declined and amounts to the lowest number of births in the country since 1979.

More information  https://www.inmigracionyvisas.com/a5138-Programs-Like-Social-Security-Need-Immigration-to-Survive.html