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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spouses and Children of US Citizens. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spouses and Children of US Citizens. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 25 de junio de 2024

Biden Announces Immigration Protections for Spouses and Children of US Citizens


Posted by Aaron Reichlin-Melnick www.immigrationimpact.com/

On June 18, the Biden administration announced two major new policies which may help provide streamlined paths to legal status for certain long-time undocumented immigrants. The first policy will allow undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens who have been in the country to apply for “parole in place,” a protection against deportation which will also allow many to access an easier path to permanent resident status. The second policy will allow individuals with DACA and undocumented immigrants who have graduated college to apply for certain employment-based nonimmigrant visas more easily.

Individuals who are married to U.S. citizens are generally eligible to obtain permanent resident status if their spouse applies on their behalf. However, for individuals who are in the country already following an unlawful entry, the process can be more complicated. They are generally required to leave the country to get permanent resident status and risk the possibility of being barred from reentering for years, possibly permanently. The Biden administration’s action will let most people in this situation apply for green cards without ever leaving the country and facing the possibility of separation.

Continúe Leyendo en https://www.inmigracionyvisas.com/a6054-Immigration-Protections-for-Spouses-and-Children-of-US-Citizens.html