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lunes, 11 de marzo de 2024

Cabrini: A Powerful Look at Immigration Through History

 Cabrini, the new film by Alejandro Monteverde, is more than just a biopic. It's a timely and powerful exploration of the American immigrant experience, one that resonates deeply in today's social climate.

The movie tells the inspiring true story of Mother Francesca Cabrini (played by Cristiana Dell´Anna), an Italian immigrant who arrived in New York City in 1889. Faced with a city rife with poverty, disease, and prejudice against her own ethnicity, Cabrini doesn't back down. Instead, she embarks on a daring mission to fight for society's most vulnerable: orphaned and sick children.

A Timeless Story of Overcoming Adversity

Cabrini transcends the typical religious film. While it honors her faith, the movie focuses on her unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit.

Continúe leyendo en https://inmigracionyvisas.com/a5972-Cabrini-a-Look-at-Immigration-Through-History.html

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