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viernes, 14 de enero de 2022

Concerns Over Denials of Afghan Humanitarian Parole Requests


By: Rebekah Wolf www.immigrationimpact.com/

As the United States hastily withdrew its military presence from Afghanistan in August 2021, it began Operation Allies Welcome, a program designed to assist the tens of thousands of Afghans who successfully fled Afghanistan as the Taliban took control. Many of these individuals had previously assisted the U.S. military and its allies throughout the decades-long war, and others were at serious risk of harm. But tens of thousands of Afghans were unable to flee. Months later, many of our allies have been denied protection in the United States or remain in limbo.

These rejections are coming despite the fact that both Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Ali Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the United States had a moral obligation to help them. Now, numerous organizations and members of Congress have raised concern about the denials. More information  https://www.inmigracionyvisas.com/a5343-Denials-of-Afghan-Humanitarian-Parole-Requests.html

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