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viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

What You Need To Know About President Trump’s Ban On Immigration

By: Aaron Reichlin-Melnick

At a time when our country is united in the fight against the coronavirus, President Trump is seeking to divide us by turning to a familiar target—immigrants.

The president first threatened a full ban on immigration via a tweet Monday night. On Wednesday, he issued a somewhat narrower ban aimed at those seeking to permanently immigrate to the United States.

And while the ban is narrower than initially anticipated, it is enormously consequential. It could represent a turning point in the battle to fundamentally alter our immigration system and redefine who can be an American.

The new immigration ban is the third ban on legal immigrants that Trump has signed. He signed the first travel ban—also known as the Muslim Ban—on his sixth day in office. Courts have blocked the first two versions of that ban. The third attempt was upheld by the Supreme Court. That travel ban remains in place and was expanded in January 2020.

In October 2019, Trump attempted to ban all legal immigrants who did not have one of a narrow range of unsubsidized health insurance plans. That ban is currently blocked in court.


Continue leyendo https://www.inmigracionyvisas.com/a4807-Latest-Ban-on-Immigration-the-Trump.html 


Source: www.immigrationimpact.com/

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